Yeah, but what does "customer first" look like? (Podcast)

Dec 11, 2019

December 12, 2019 / Podcast

It's all about the customer, right? You hear it a lot, but do you know how to back up those words with actions? This week we're talking to longtime industry veteran Troy Korsgaden who (literally) wrote the book on making customer service your differentiator. In this episode, Troy walks us through how changes to the insurance ecosystem have created new challenges and opportunities for agents (at 3:40), the number one way you can actually use your customer service to stand out (around the 9:30 mark), and some small steps you can take towards overhauling the entire customer service experience (jump to 15:50). Troy also tells you how to get a free copy of his book Discussion Partner if you email him and mention you're a "friend of Rick Fox"



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